






      Chinese government has started to take more strict measures to control the game industry, so its not surprising that a game called "Peace Elite Voice" has been blocked. Official statements mentioned that this game has several major problems, including social morality violations, negative image making, desensitizing of history, and exacerbating youth violence. In 2012, Chinas State Administration of Digital Cardell (SAFE) began to enforce tougher regulations and inspections on electronic games, making it mandatory for game developers to comply with regulations before receiving permits. For real-time games such as "Peace Elite Voice", the requirements are even stricter.

      In addition, since December 2015, regular inspections of electronic games and online server networks have been conducted to prohibit vulgar and violent content, resulting in the cancellation of some games. Although "Peace Elite Voice" has not yet been found to have substantial violations of content, its decision to be banned has also been controversial.

      In conclusion, the ban on Peace Elite Voice is due to the Chinese governments stringent regulations on video game content and the games issues regarding social morality and violence. These factors have caused the game to receive much criticism and ultimately be blocked from Chinese audiences.
